Question types
This table clarifies the different outputs per question type
Last updated
This table clarifies the different outputs per question type
Last updated
Question type
Smileys / Satisfaction
The values are in the scale of 0-1.
5 buttons: 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1
4 buttons: 0, 0.33, 0.66, 1
valueNum: number
answer: number
valueNum: 0.5
answer: 0.5
NPS question
Numbers 0-10
valueNum: number
answer: number
valueNum: 4
answer: 4
Category / Selection / Multiselect
Answer will either be a string value if the
question is single select or an array of strings
if the question is a multi-select.
valueArray will contain the unique id's of the
choice(s) selected while answer contains the
string representations of the choice in the language chosen
valueArray: string[]
answer: string | string[]
valueArray: ['sdfs3, 'asdas1]
answer: ['Apples', 'Oranges']
Single select:
valueArray: ['533rf']
answer: 'Pears'
Category / Selection by image
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above, outputs image labels
Slider question. These questions contain multiple responses depending on the field responded to. In order to connect these answers together, you look at the responseChainId and the questionId
Each field contains a fieldId and a fieldName to distinguish the responses apart.
The scale is 0-10.
valueNum: number
answer: number
valueNum: 4
answer: 4
Contact form question. Like Slider question, this question might have multiple responses per question.
valueString: string
answer: string
valueString: ""
Open-ended field.
valueString: string
answer: string
valueString: "I was happy"
answer: "I was happy"