Attaching custom metadata to responses


Custom metadata is any additional information you wish to include in your response. This metadata will be available in the Response list in the analytics section in Feedbackly. You can also filter and group responses by metadata.

Metadata will be included to the subsequent survey responses made by the visitor on the site. Metadata will always be included in responses until it is cleared or the user resets their browser cookies.

Note: Metadata can be added at any point of time before a survey is launched.

Using the Javascript API to include metadata to the response

When the Feedbackly widget is installed on the site, run

FBLY.action("addMeta", KEY, VALUE);


FBLY.action("addMeta", "customerId", "12345");

This command adds a customer id to the subsequent responses of the user.

Removing a single metadata value from the visitor

This action will a single metadata key and value from the visitor. It does not affect previous responses given by the user, however.

FBLY.action("removeMeta", KEY)


FBLY.action("removeMeta", "customerId")

This action removes the customerId set in the previous example.

Clearing all metadata from a visitor

This action will clear all the metadata from the visitor. It does not affect previous responses given by the user, however. This action needs to be run before a survey is launched.

Using Javascript, run


Last updated

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