Getting responses from Feedbackly
Response data object
Field | Type | Example | Description |
touchpointName | string | Touchpoint 1 | Touch point name |
answer | string | string[] | number | 0.5, "Apple", ["Apple", "Orange"] | Mixed-type field related to question type |
questionType | "Button" | "NPS" | "Word" | "Slider" | "Contact" | "Text" | "Image" | "Button" | |
metadata | { [key: string]: string} | {phone: "iPhone X"} | metadata attached to response |
fieldId? | string | "507f1f77bcf86cd799439013" | Field id (used in Contact and Slider question types) |
valueString? | string | "Orange" | String value of the response |
valueArray? | string[] | ["aoudfsa", "sidfvcx"] | The technical id of the given responses (Word/Image) |
valueNum | number | 0.5 | Number value of the response |
responseChainId | string | "507f1f77bcf86cd799439013" | Id of the full response chain the response belongs to |
questionId | string | "507f1f77bcf86cd799439013" | Question's id |
question | string | "How did we succeed today?" | The title of the question in the preferred language (if available) |
teamId | string | "507f1f77bcf86cd799439013" | Team's id |
createdAtDate | string | "2017-03-27T09:03:59.133Z" | Response's date in Javascript format |
createdAt | number | 1490605439 | Response's date in UNIX timestamp |
touchpointId | string | "507f1f77bcf86cd799439013" | Touchpoint's id |
_id | string | "507f1f77bcf86cd799439013" | id of the response |
language | string | "en" | language the response is given in |
teamName | string | "My team" | Team's name |
fieldName | string | "Email" | Field name (used in Contact and Slider) |
tags | string[] | ["CSAT"] | Question tags set in the survey editor |
browser | string | Mac OS X Chrome 84.0.4147.105 | Browser information |
surveyId | string | "507f1f77bcf86cd799439013" | Survey's id |
surveyName | string | "My survey" | Survey's name |
surveyVersion? | number | 3 | Available for survey 3.0 |
isClosed? | boolean | Available for survey 3.0 |
Last updated